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Las especialidades incluyen:
-Adolescentes y Adultos (13+)
-Afirmación Trans y No Binaria
-Problemas de apego y familia de origen
-Sexo positivo y cuerpo neutral
-Neurodivergencia afirmativa y conocedora.
-Trauma (intergeneracional, de desarrollo, relacional)
-Regulación emocional
-Personas altamente sensibles (PAS)
-Exploración de identidad y género
-Ansiedad y depresión
*Terapeuta al aire libre y basado en la naturaleza.
En persona en West Seattle y telesalud
René is in-network with Premera, Cigna, First Choice, LifeWise, Regence, Anthem and some other Blue Cross and Kaiser plans. Please be aware that Protea Wellness cannot accept insurance for couple's therapy.
René's fees:
50-minute session for individuals: $175
Anna Strick, LMHCA
Pronombres: ellos/ella
Si te encuentras aquí, es probable que haya aspectos de tu vida que quieras superar o cambiar, pero no sabes cómo hacerlo. No significa que haya algo malo en ti o que estés destrozado; A medida que crecemos y maduramos en la vida, es inevitable que enfrentemos nuevos desafíos. Buscar ayuda a través del asesoramiento puede ofrecerle nuevas habilidades y una confianza renovada a medida que avanza.
Juntos, trabajaremos para comprender los matices de sus luchas, contextualizarlas dentro de los sistemas en los que vivimos y desarrollar nuevas habilidades para la regulación. Ayudo a personas con hábitos estancados, pensamientos cíclicos y miedos confusos a conectarse con sus cuerpos para aflojar el control de esos comportamientos indeseables y sentir más autocomprensión y confianza.
Mi acercamiento...
As a counselor, I am committed to walking beside you as you discover and cultivate what wellness, joy, and liberation mean for you. You are in charge of what we do together and I wholeheartedly invite open and candid dialogue about the power dynamics of the counseling relationship and of our social locations.
As a creative arts therapist, I may offer activities or exercises beyond traditional talk therapy. You do not need to have any experience with the arts in order to have moving, meaningful, enjoyable experiences with this. I believe that creativity and play are deeply healing for people of all ages! My theoretical orientation is informed by somatics, internal family systems, attachment theory, contemplative psychotherapy, and liberation psychology. My approach is non-pathologizing, abolitionist, and heart-centered.
While I have experience working with adolescents and adults from a wide variety of identities, lifestyles, and values. I specialize in working with LGBTQIA2+ adults in non-traditional relationship structures, kinky folks, sex workers, activists, artists, and neurodivergent folks. I am available for intention setting and integration work for people who have psychedelic experiences.
Formación profesional y membresías...
I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor Associate (MC#61574866) in Washington State. I have a Master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and a Drama Therapy certificate from Antioch University. I also have a Master’s degree in Linguistics from the University of Washington and Bachelor’s degrees in Linguistics and in English Literature from Western Washington University.
I am a formerly practicing yoga teacher and death doula. I attended and continue my scholarship with the Orphan Wisdom School. I am a member of the North American Drama Therapy Association and American Counseling Association as well as chapters of Chi Sigma Iota, Society for Sexual, Affectional, Intersex, and Gender Expansive Identities (SAIGE), and Counselors for Social Justice.